Thursday, August 29, 2013

Robert Bache aka MedicareBob, "My Value Proposition".

My Value Proposition

By Robert Bache aka “MedicareBob”

Why should Medicare beneficiaries work with Robert Bache aka MedicareBob?

I want to make you smile :-)

It’s a straightforward and simple question, yet with so much noise and competition out there, it sometimes seems difficult to explain.

To answer this question, I want to share my value proposition.  My value proposition is not based on gimmicks or trendy value added services.

My value proposition is based on six concrete principles that every client can expect if they want to business with me and my team.

Robert Bache’s Value Proposition.

1)  I am privileged to own a reputable insurance agency that keeps each clients’ best interest in mind.  Our agency has thousands of satisfied policy holders and treats everyone with the utmost respect and courtesy.

I work with an amazing customer service team that ensure your basic questions, certificate requests, billing questions, and most importantly claims get taken care of promptly and efficiently.

2)  I am proud to be an independent agent.  As an independent agent, I have access to multiple, highly reputable Medicare insurance companies.  I use the strengths of each individual company’s product and services to align with my customers specific needs.

3)  My goal is to provide all of my prospects and clients with the heart of a trusted advisor, not a salesperson.  It is vital that my prospects and customers understand the product they are buying not simply because I tell them so, but because they understand how the Medicare insurance products benefit them.

I never stop learning as this business is constantly changing and evolving.  Staying up to date on the latest Medicare insurance products and services allows me to pass this new information on to my clients. I don’t believe in the status quo and never will.

My goal is to be a consultant, resource, and friend.  When I achieve this with my clients, I become a true trusted Medicare Insurance advisor. This is my expectation for every client.

4)  I will provide value to Medicare beneficiaries whether you’re a client or not.  Yes, I want and expect to earn your business, but I will provide information useful to you through blog posts, social media sites, published articles, email newsletters, speaking engagements, and free consultations to demonstrate how I can be the best resource for information to assist you in choosing the right Medicare insurance plan for you.

Trust and respect are earned.

5)  I will help you benefit more by saving your time and earning your trust.

Time–Medicare can be complicated, frustrating, and time-consuming. Working with team of committed professionals that truly care about your needs will save you much-needed time so you can focus on other important matters.

Trust–By partnering with a true business advocate, resource, and ally; you will have the peace of mind knowing that you can trust your Medicare insurance plan is in safe hands.

6)  Doing business with me and my agency is not transactional, it’s relational.

Solid relationships are the foundation of our business.  Once you become our client, we become partners.  This is where the sale begins, not ends. My team and I are committed to constantly improving and enhancing our products and services.

My goal is a long-term relationship with all of my clients.  Once we earn your business, we expect to keep it.  Not because it’s convenient, but because you couldn’t imagine doing business with anyone else.

That’s my value proposition to you.

If you would like to learn more about Medicare, please contact me at (800) 525-0299 or via email:

If you are new to Medicare, or you have questions about Medicare I would like the opportunity of assisting you with your Medicare Insurance needs. You can also go to and look at the Medicare Insurance options that are available in your County.

Robert W. Bache aka MedicareBob

Medicare Supplement Plan J, why did you leave me?

Medicare Supplement Plan J, why did you leave me?

As of June 1st, 2010 Medicare Supplement Plan J is no longer being offered to Medicare beneficiaries. If you currently have Medicare Supplement Plan J, you will still be "grandfathered in", meaning that you can keep the Plan J.

 Original Medicare made two upgrades: 
  • Medicare now covers "Preventive Healthcare"
  • Medicare now covers "At Home Recovery" 
Since Medicare now covers these two benefits, Medicare Supplement Plan J is not any better than Medicare Supplement Plan F. Therefore, Medicare Supplement Plan F is now the most comprehensive Plan, replacing Medicare Supplement Plan J. 

Yes, anyone that has a Medicare Supplement Plan J is "grandfathered in", therefore you can keep your Plan J. 
 There are two reasons that it is likely that the Plan J premium is going to continue to  increase:
  1. Because there are not any people entering into the Plan J.
  2. Most of the people that are going to keep the Plan J are the people that are not healthy enough to switch plans, therefore driving up the monthly premium.
If you have health issues, than yes. However, if you have had stable health for the past two years you should change from a Medicare Supplement Plan J to a Medicare Supplement Plan F or G.

Medicare Supplement Plan F now offers the same coverage as the Medicare Supplement Plan J offered. 
Medicare Supplement Plan G offers the same coverage as the Plan J, except you have a small annual deductible of $147.00.  

(MedicareBob recommends the Medicare Supplement Plan G)

Medicare insurance question? Want quotes from 20+ Medicare Supplement Companies? Want a chart of the available Medicare Advantage Plans in you County? Call me, Robert W. Bache aka MedicareBob: 1-800-525-0299.

Robert W. Bache aka “MedicareBob”
President / Producer
Senior Healthcare Direct
Direct Toll Free: 1-800-525-0299
Company Toll Free: 1-855-368-4717
Learn more about Robert aka “MedicareBob”
Please “Like” Senior Healthcare Direct on Facebook:

Monday, August 26, 2013

More Doctors are now Accepting Medicare now:

More Doctors are now Accepting Medicare:

Baby Boomers and current Medicare Beneficiaries, here is some great news, "1.25 million doctors are accept Medicare!". The number of physicians accepting new Medicare patients rose by one-third between 2007 and 2011 and is now higher than the number of physicians accepting new private insurance patients, according to a Department of Health and Human Services report obtained by USA TODAY.

In 2007, about 925,000 doctors billed Medicare for their services. In 2011, that number had risen to 1.25 million, according to the report by the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation.

"I think the report comes at a time when people are asking questions about Medicare," said Jonathan Blum, principal deputy administrator for the Center for Medicare Services. "It provides a more complete picture of how physicians choose to participate in the Medicare system."
I anticipate the number of physicians that accept Medicare to grow, for me it is purely economics. There are currently over 43 million people on Medicare, and 10,000 people aging into Medicare eligibility per day now through 2030. Not only is this going to be the largest demographic in US history, but it is also a huge opportunity for physicians to make money. Any physician that decides not to accept Medicare will be shunning the majority of people that require their services.
Medicare is negotiating on our behalf. Medicare is not the bad guy, in fact, Medicare regulating / Assigning an approved dollar amount is actually to all of our benefit.  Doctors are great, but if they were allowed to simply charge whatever amount they chose for their services, none of us would have affordable healthcare.
If you are new to Medicare, or you are shopping for a new Plan, the best thing for you to do is call your Doctor's office and ask these 3 questions:

1) Do you accept Medicare?
2) Do you accept Medicare Assignment?
3) Do you accept any Medicare Advantage Plans, if so are they an HMO or PPO?

In summary, the amount of doctors accepting Medicare is trending in our favor, and Medicare regulating what they are allowed to charge is actually a good thing.

Medicare insurance question? Want quotes from 20+ Medicare Supplement Companies? Want a chart of the available Medicare Advantage Plans in your County?

Call me, Robert W. Bache aka MedicareBob: 1-800-525-0299.

Robert W. Bache aka “MedicareBob”
President / Producer
Senior Healthcare Direct
Direct Toll Free: 1-800-525-0299
Company Toll Free: 1-855-368-4717

Learn more about Robert aka “MedicareBob”

Please “Like” Senior Healthcare Direct on Facebook:

HMO Medicare Advantage Plans

What is a Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) HMO Plan?

HMO (or health maintenance organization) health insurance plans provide insurance if you receive services from an in-network provider. The only out-of-network services available are those on an emergency basis. Many HMOs require enrollees to see a primary care physician (PCP) chosen by the member who will refer them to a specialist if deemed necessary for high-cost services like MRIs or surgeries. HMOs typically provide richer coverage than a PPO health insurance plan. However, they often cost more due to the better benefits.

HMO plans often do not include deductibles, but copays are charged per office. HMO plans typically allow a member to have lower out-of-pocket healthcare costs, but require the member

Because an HMO plan will not pay for you to see an out-of-network provider except in an emergency, it is very important to ensure that your existing doctors and a high quality hospital in your area are in your network. This ensures that in both routine and unforeseen circumstance you have access to high quality health care providers in your area.

HMOs were introduced in 1974 by enabling federal legislation that ultimately spurred the creation and growth of many large HMOs across the country. HMOs came under heavy criticism because of their tight cost controls, referrals, second opinions, pre-certifications, and other stringent cost controls. Many of those cost controls have been replaced with higher cost-sharing. For instance, for many HMOs a specialist referral has been replaced with a split copay for physician visits. Copays that might have been $20 to see a physician with a specialist referral have largely been replaced with a $20 copay for physician, $40 copay for specialist setup. But the HMOs still retain their rich preventive and other benefits provided you stay in network.



HMO Medicare Advantage Plan

What is a Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) HMO Plan?
HMO (or health maintenance organization) health insurance plans provide insurance if you receive services from an in-network provider. The only out-of-network services available are those on an emergency basis. Many HMOs require enrollees to see a primary care physician (PCP) chosen by the member who will refer them to a specialist if deemed necessary for high-cost services like MRIs or surgeries. HMOs typically provide richer coverage than a PPO health insurance plan. However, they often cost more due to the better benefits.
HMO plans often do not include deductibles, but copays are charged per office. HMO plans typically allow a member to have lower out-of-pocket healthcare costs, but require the member
Because an HMO plan will not pay for you to see an out-of-network provider except in an emergency, it is very important to ensure that your existing doctors and a high quality hospital in your area are in your network. This ensures that in both routine and unforeseen circumstance you have access to high quality health care providers in your area.
HMOs were introduced in 1974 by enabling federal legislation that ultimately spurred the creation and growth of many large HMOs across the country. HMOs came under heavy criticism because of their tight cost controls, referrals, second opinions, pre-certifications, and other stringent cost controls. Many of those cost controls have been replaced with higher cost-sharing. For instance, for many HMOs a specialist referral has been replaced with a split copay for physician visits. Copays that might have been $20 to see a physician with a specialist referral have largely been replaced with a $20 copay for physician, $40 copay for specialist setup. But the HMOs still retain their rich preventive and other benefits provided you stay in network.
Medicare insurance question? What quotes from 20+ Medicare Supplement Companies? What a chart of the available Medicare Advantage Plans in you County? Call me, Robert W. Bache aka MedicareBob: 1-800-525-0299.
Robert W. Bache aka “MedicareBob”
President / Producer
Senior Healthcare Direct
Direct Toll Free: 1-800-525-0299
Company Toll Free: 1-855-368-4717
Learn more about Robert aka “MedicareBob”
Please “Like” Senior Healthcare Direct on Facebook:
- See more at:
Medicare insurance question? Want quotes from 20+ Medicare Supplement Companies? Want a chart of the available Medicare Advantage Plans in you County?

Call me, Robert W. Bache aka MedicareBob: 1-800-525-0299.

Robert W. Bache aka “MedicareBob”
President / Producer
Senior Healthcare Direct
Direct Toll Free: 1-800-525-0299
Company Toll Free: 1-855-368-4717

Learn more about Robert aka “MedicareBob”

Please “Like” Senior Healthcare Direct on Facebook:


HMO Medicare Advantage Plan

What is a Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) HMO Plan?
HMO (or health maintenance organization) health insurance plans provide insurance if you receive services from an in-network provider. The only out-of-network services available are those on an emergency basis. Many HMOs require enrollees to see a primary care physician (PCP) chosen by the member who will refer them to a specialist if deemed necessary for high-cost services like MRIs or surgeries. HMOs typically provide richer coverage than a PPO health insurance plan. However, they often cost more due to the better benefits.
HMO plans often do not include deductibles, but copays are charged per office. HMO plans typically allow a member to have lower out-of-pocket healthcare costs, but require the member
Because an HMO plan will not pay for you to see an out-of-network provider except in an emergency, it is very important to ensure that your existing doctors and a high quality hospital in your area are in your network. This ensures that in both routine and unforeseen circumstance you have access to high quality health care providers in your area.
HMOs were introduced in 1974 by enabling federal legislation that ultimately spurred the creation and growth of many large HMOs across the country. HMOs came under heavy criticism because of their tight cost controls, referrals, second opinions, pre-certifications, and other stringent cost controls. Many of those cost controls have been replaced with higher cost-sharing. For instance, for many HMOs a specialist referral has been replaced with a split copay for physician visits. Copays that might have been $20 to see a physician with a specialist referral have largely been replaced with a $20 copay for physician, $40 copay for specialist setup. But the HMOs still retain their rich preventive and other benefits provided you stay in network.
Medicare insurance question? What quotes from 20+ Medicare Supplement Companies? What a chart of the available Medicare Advantage Plans in you County? Call me, Robert W. Bache aka MedicareBob: 1-800-525-0299.
Robert W. Bache aka “MedicareBob”
President / Producer
Senior Healthcare Direct
Direct Toll Free: 1-800-525-0299
Company Toll Free: 1-855-368-4717
Learn more about Robert aka “MedicareBob”
Please “Like” Senior Healthcare Direct on Facebook:
- See more at:

Friday, August 23, 2013

Medicare Supplement OR Medicare Advantage Plan, the good, the bad, the "not so ugly" either way

Medicare Supplement vs. Medicare Advantage Plan, which offers better coverage?

A Medicare Supplement Plan works with Medicare to pay the out of pocket costs that Medicare does not pay for. When you have a Medicare Supplement Plan, you will continue to use your Medicare red, white, and blue card, as well as your Medicare Supplement Card.

A Medicare Advantage Plan works in replace of Medicare. Medicare pays a private insurance company to insure you, with the requirement that the benefits are at least as good as what Medicare offers.  If you choose a Medicare Advantage Plan, you can put away your Medicare red, white, and blue card because you will only be required to present your Medicare Advantage Plan card to use the insurance.

So which is better?

Good news, there is no wrong answer, they both are good, and both probably offer better coverage than you are used too. Below are the good and the bad for each type of insurance, I hope this helps:

Medicare Supplement

                                The Good                                                                                            The Bad

Flexibility- choice of Doctor and/or Hospital
An additional Monthly Premium ($75-$180)
Predictability- very little out of pocket expense
No dental or vision coverage
Pays all hospital bills
Monthly premium increases every year
You and your Doctor decide your care
No prescription drug coverage, you will need Part D
Easy to shop and compare the different prices
No referrals are required, no HMO or PPO
Travels with you, same coverage all over the US
Electronic Billing


In summary, a Medicare Supplement Plan is going to cost an additional monthly premium, but it provides coverage that allows you to choose your own Healthcare Providers, and it is easy to budget because as long as you pay the monthly premium, you will rarely get a bill.

Medicare Advantage Plan

                                The Good                                                                                            The Bad

Very low monthly premium, sometimes $0.00
Out of pocket costs up to $3,500 to $7,500
Insurance Company helps manage your care
Doctor / Hospital Network: HMO or PPO.
Some dental and/or vision
Requires referrals
Includes prescription drug coverage
Annual Contracts, can only change 10/15-12/07
Coverage is limited to your County
Insurance Company decides your care


In summary, a Medicare Advantage Plan operates like group health insurance that most of us have had our whole life, and has a low monthly premium. However, if you are retiring and your income is being reduced, it may be more difficult to have health insurance that is impossible to budget for because you do not know how much you will use the Plan each year.


Candid MedicareBob: I assist roughly 100 people per month with choosing which Medicare Coverage is the best for them, and 70% of the time, the choice is a Medicare Supplement Plan. This does not mean that I do not like Medicare Advantage Plans, to me it really comes down to the pricing that is available for the Medicare Supplement Plans in your area. If a Medicare Supplement Plan F, G, or Plan N is $100 or less per month, than a Medicare Supplement makes a lot of sense for most people. This being said, I do have clients that cannot afford a Medicare Supplement, this is when I assist them in choosing the right Medicare Advantage Plan for them. As I mentioned previously, both Medicare Supplement Insurance and Medicare Advantage Plans typically offer better insurance than you have had while you were working.

YOU SHOULD KNOW: The only time that you are guaranteed approval for any Medicare Supplement Plan is when you first turn 65 years old, or within 6 months of when you start Medicare Part B.

How do I, a licensed insurance agent/broker that sells Medicare Supplements and/or Medicare Advantage Plans make money?

This is a fair question, and I am happy to share this information with you. My services; Medicare education, telephonic enrollment, and customer service, has no additional cost to you. I get paid by the insurance company, not by you. 

Medicare insurance question? Want quotes from 20+ Medicare Supplement Companies? Want a chart of the available Medicare Advantage Plans in you County?
Call me, Robert W. Bache aka MedicareBob: 1-800-525-0299. 

Robert W. Bache aka “MedicareBob”

President / Producer

Senior Healthcare Direct

Direct Toll Free: 1-800-525-0299

Company Toll Free: 1-855-368-4717

Learn more about Robert aka “MedicareBob”